World Blood Donor Day 2022 : Tips for Blood Donation World Blood Donor Day 2022 : Tips for Blood Donation

World Blood Donor Day 2022 : Tips for Blood Donation

World Blood Donar Day

In India, Blood donation has been named Mahadan. You all have duty to donate blood, but before donating blood, it is important to take care of some things, as well as know which people cannot donate blood.

International Blood Donor Day

Today (14 June) is ‘World Blood Donor Day’ (International Blood Donor Day). Every year this day we will celebrate international blood Donor day . This year the theme of this day has been kept, ‘Donating blood is an act of solidarity). Every year people are made aware to donate blood on this world Donar day on the new theme. People are inspired for this that blood donation is a great donation and by donating blood, you provide new life to many people.

Why is it important to donate blood?

According to a report published in Myoclinic, blood donation is a voluntary process, which can help save the lives of others. There are many types of blood donation and all these types of blood donation help to meet various medical requirements. Blood donation has been named Mahadan because the blood you donate, the lives of many people are saved.

About World Blood Donar Day

Every year millions of people required blood for their life. Some need to be strictly required to offer blood during surgery. Many times, even after an accident, blood is offered in the emergency. By donating blood in Ace, under all these circumstances, blood donated by you is offered to save the life of the necessary people. There is no alternative to human blood. Donor blood is used in all transfusion.

National Blood Donation Day : Who can donate blood?

  • If you donate only plasma or platelets in blood donation your health should be good.
  • There is no lack of blood in the body.
  • The age should be at least 18 years to get rid of.
  • Your weight is less to 50 kg.
  • You do not have any serious illness or blood disorder.

Where does blood go after blood donation and what process is done ?

Blood donation day information : Who can’t donate blood?

  • If you consume an anti-biotic like medicine.
  • Recently I have got tattoos on the body.
  • There should be some kind of vaccine like measles, chicken pox, shingles etc.
  • The blood donation can not be donated.
  • A person suffering from a serious disease.
  • Diabetes patients should also be avoided.
  • If you provide breastfeed, do not donate blood.
  • Elderly people below 18 and older people above 65 years of age should not donate blood.
  • Consuming, excessive consumption of alcohol should avoid it.
  • If you have some disease like Monkeypox, covid 19, you cannot donate blood

Things to keep in mind before Donating blood(World blood donar day)

  • On the day you have to donate blood, get plenty of sleep a night before that.
  • Go to donate blood only after having food.
  • Do not eat blood food by eating fatty foods, junk foods, ice cream, fries, burgers etc.
  • Before drinking, drink sufficient amount of water.
  • If you consume any medicine, then before donating blood, please give information about it.
  • If you have to donate platelets and you eat aspirin, then stop eating this medicine two days before donating.

In short we should follow the above tips for the blood donation in this World Donar 2022 which is also called international World Donar Day and helps those people those have blood scarcity in their blood. So that no body in this world will die due to blood problem.

World Blood Donar Day In India, Blood donation has been named Mahadan. You all have duty to donate blood, but before donating blood, it is important to take care of some things, as well as know which people cannot donate blood. International Blood Donor Day Today (14 June) is ‘World Blood Donor Day’ (International Blood…

World Blood Donar Day In India, Blood donation has been named Mahadan. You all have duty to donate blood, but before donating blood, it is important to take care of some things, as well as know which people cannot donate blood. International Blood Donor Day Today (14 June) is ‘World Blood Donor Day’ (International Blood…

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