keep Mobile data on then be careful! Mobile may have such condition
by achinhimanshu
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Nowadays almost everyone has a smartphone and people also use the internet in it. Now unlimited data comes with the tariff plan. Because of this people use the internet a lot.
Due to unlimited data, people always keep their internet data on. People keep their mobile data on when mobile is not working.
If you are doing any work on mobile or going out somewhere, then you can keep mobile data on. But do you know that always keeping mobile data on can cause many problems in mobile.

Damage to Battery
If you always keep mobile data on, then your mobile keeps working continuously. Because of this, the battery of the mobile keeps getting consumed continuously. The result of this is that the battery of your mobile keeps draining continuously even when you are not working. This puts a load on the battery. This can also cause damage to the battery of the mobile.
Many Apps Running in the Background
In mobile, we download and keep many types of apps. In such a situation, if you are not using mobile and keep your mobile data on, then many apps are running in the background of your mobile even without using it. Who keeps eating your mobile data without your permission.
Mobile Overheating

When your mobile continues to work, its temperature will increase. It is not suitable for your mobile. Due to continuous working, the more heated the mobile, the lesser you will get the service of the mobile. You must have noted that sometimes the mobile becomes very hot because the apps running in the background keep working continuously due to the mobile data being on. Sometimes due to overheating, there is also a possibility of explosion in the battery.
May Hang Mobile
Any system needs to be given a break after working. At the same time, due to the high usage of mobile, he is constantly busy. In such a situation, due to the continuous working of many apps, browsers, online programs, downloading, social sites, etc., the mobile system is constantly busy due to keeping the mobile data running day and night. Due to this, there is also a risk of hanging of the mobile. Charging problem
When mobile data is always on, the system gets heated due to continuous busyness.
Due to this, the cells of the battery also start weakening. The result is that when the mobile is kept in charging, it charges slowly due to overheating. This also greatly reduces the battery life of the mobile.
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Nowadays almost everyone has a smartphone and people also use the internet in it. Now unlimited data comes with the tariff plan. Because of this people use the internet a lot. Due to unlimited data, people always keep their internet data on. People keep their mobile data on when mobile is not working. If you…
Nowadays almost everyone has a smartphone and people also use the internet in it. Now unlimited data comes with the tariff plan. Because of this people use the internet a lot. Due to unlimited data, people always keep their internet data on. People keep their mobile data on when mobile is not working. If you…