World Ocean Day 2023: How Important is the ocean for air and land?
by achinhimanshu
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World Ocean Day
Very few people know that it was not the atmosphere but actually, the ocean that was bearing the brunt of human-caused pollution and was also saving the Earth from its adverse effects. In fact, the oceans and seas are like the lungs of the Earth and are also the largest source of food and nutrition for people around the world.
No matter how far away you live from the oceans, the deep dependence of human life on the oceans does not diminish. United Nations World Ocean Day (World Ocean Day 2023) is celebrated every year on June 8 and this year “Planet Ocean: Tides are Changing” i.e. “Planet Ocean: The waves are changing”. Has come up with a theme.

The vastness of the oceans
The importance of the oceans is great, but it is also true that even after making so much technological progress, we still do not know much about the oceans. Oceans cover 70 per cent of the Earth’s surface. The oceans produce half of the Earth’s oxygen. It is home to most of the Earth’s biodiversity.
Ocean for Man: World Ocean Day
In a way, it is also the basis of our life because most humans depend on the sea for food. It is the main source of protein for more than a billion people in the world and by the year 2030, ocean-based industries will provide employment to 40 million people. Despite all these benefits, the oceans still need help today.
A lot is being lost from the oceans: World Ocean Day
Despite this, we have not been able to see much of the oceans. Yet 90 per cent of the oceans’ fish and 50 per cent of the coral reefs, which are a storehouse of biodiversity, have been destroyed. And there is only one reason for this and that is that we are taking more from the oceans and not giving anything back in return.
Oceans Priority
There is a need to bring a kind of new balance in the oceans so that its wealth never diminishes and instead of suffering the loss of depletion, its vitality returns.
The Waves are Changing, this year’s theme was kept so that the world’s decision-makers, local leaders, scientists, private sector executives, civil society, and youth activists all can give priority to the oceans.
Remind Everyone
World Oceans Day reminds everyone of the importance of the oceans in their everyday lives. They are the lungs of our planet and are a huge source of food and medicines and a very delicate and important part of the biosphere. The purpose of this day is to inform people about the impact of oceans on human life.
Purpose of the United Nations
Through World Oceans Day, the United Nations seeks to create a movement for the oceans among citizens worldwide and mobilize the world’s people for sustainable management of the world’s oceans.
Summary: World Ocean Day
This year, the United Nations is organizing an annual event on this day at its headquarters on June 8. The oceans are under a lot of pressure from air pollution and global warming. Scientists fear that if this pressure affects the natural processes of the oceans, then mankind will not be able to bear the consequences, nor will the Earth be able to recover from its consequences. It is now very important to make special efforts for the oceans just as we are doing to reduce greenhouse emissions.
World Ocean Day Very few people know that it was not the atmosphere but actually, the ocean that was bearing the brunt of human-caused pollution and was also saving the Earth from its adverse effects. In fact, the oceans and seas are like the lungs of the Earth and are also the largest source of…
World Ocean Day Very few people know that it was not the atmosphere but actually, the ocean that was bearing the brunt of human-caused pollution and was also saving the Earth from its adverse effects. In fact, the oceans and seas are like the lungs of the Earth and are also the largest source of…